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Kubernetes Cluster Node Pool

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AME Kubernetes Cluster Node Pool functionality

A Node Pool represents a set of machines that will be provisioned to join a Kubernetes cluster as a Node. Avisi Cloud provisions these machines within the Cloud your cluster runs in.


All Nodes within a pool will receive the same configuration. This includes;

  • The Type (machine or instance type of the Virtual Machine within a Cloud Provider). This represents the size (i.g. 8GB memory) of a virtual machine.
  • Name of the node pool, which is used to configure the Kubernetes node role label for each Node within this Pool.
  • Version of Kubernetes and the container runtime running on the Node.
  • Amount of nodes / size of the node pool. This is the number of nodes that are provisioned within the pool.
  • Node Labels & Annotations. These are applied to the node within Kubernetes and can be used for scheduling decisions or automation tasks/scripts.
  • Node Taints. These are applied to the nodes within Kubernetes and can be used to restrict the node to only running certain workloads.

Node Pool Features

Rolling updates

Nodes within a pool are gracefully replaced during upgrades using a surge strategy. This means Avisi Cloud makes sure a new node has successfully joined and is healthy before starting to drain and delete an outdated node. This process is called rolling updates.

See our help article Updating your cluster for more information.

Auto Healing

Automatic healing of unhealthy nodes within a Node Pool.

Auto scaling

Scale your node pool based on utilization. See our help article about node pool scaling for more information.

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