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Avisi Cloud Observability

Avisi Cloud Observability is an offering included within our AME Kubernetes product and is aimed at helping developers get the best performance out of their applications running on Kubernetes.

Part of the Application Observability is our integrated observabililty solution using:

  • Prometheus for metrics collection
  • Loki for log events
  • Grafana for visualizing the data

We heavily build upon open standards and common best-in-class tooling that can be run anywhere for our Performance & Observability tooling.

Observability Icons


Our focus is on integrating best-in-class existing tooling with our Kubernetes offering, giving you fully access and functionality.

MonitoringIn cluster Prometheus for collecting metrics, with external long term storage.✔️
LoggingLog collection and storage using Loki, with external long term storage.✔️
AlertingAlertmanager for routing Prometheus & Loki Alerts to external tools✔️
Audit loggingAudit logging of cluster activity✔️

Clusters come with the Prometheus operator installed and a Prometheus instance configured to forward any metrics data to long term storage. All standard USE metrics of your nodes and pods are automatically available to you.


Log events within clusters are collected and forwarded to Avisi Cloud's Loki stack.


Use alertmanager to route your Prometheus alerts to any external source such as Slack, Opsgenie or custom webhooks.

Alertmanager can be configurated through the Avisi Cloud Console.


  • Alerting is currently only possible on metric data from Prometheus.

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