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volumes prune

Prune removes any unused and released persistent volumes


The 'prune' command removes any released persistent volumes. By default it will run in dry-run mode, which will only show the volumes that would be pruned. Use the --dry-run=false flag to actually prune the volumes.

acloud-toolkit volumes prune <persistent-volume-claim> [flags]


# See all persistent volumes that are set to Released that would be pruned
acloud-toolkit storage prune -A
# Prune all persistent volumes that are set to Released
acloud-toolkit storage prune -A --dry-run=false
# Prune all persistent volumes that are set to Released within a specific namespace
acloud-toolkit storage prune -n my-namespace --dry-run=false


  -A, --all                Prune volumes from all namespaces
      --dry-run            Perform a dry run of volume prune (default true)
  -h, --help               help for prune
  -n, --namespace string   Namespace to prune volumes from. Volume namespaces are cluster scoped, so the namespace is only used to filter the PVCs


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