When you need to upgrade a PostgreSQL pod / statefulset from 9.6 to 11. You manage your own statefulset either through Helm or Kubernetes manifests.
This may not be the right approach when using a PostgreSQL operator.
This approach works between any PostgreSQL versions (such as 11 to 14).
This is done based on prior work done by tianon.
Please note that you will need to verify this approach on your set-up before attempting to upgrade production databases. Also make sure you have a working back-up before starting.
A new data directory for the new version of postgres
!! Pay attention to the logging output during an upgrade. It may generate a post-upgrade.sql file that needs to be run. !!
If any post-upgrade processing is required, pg_upgrade will issue warnings as it completes. It will also generate script files that must be run by the administrator. The script files will connect to each database that needs post-upgrade processing. (See 13. Post-Upgrade processing on pgupgrade docs)
The upgrade step should handle this for you, but be sure to pay attention to the output of this. example:
This section describes a demo set-up on how to upgrade a Postgres 9.6 deployment to Postgres 11 on Kubernetes. Adjust based on your own deployment. This is environment specific.
You can probably adopt the upgrade and upgrade-post-migration jobs to aid you in this.
Before attempting this on production database, make sure you have a back-up. The proces documented in this section
uses a validation step before removing the old database data, but failure may happen and data lose can occur.
First create the demo database. For this, we assume a Gitlab PostgreSQL database.
Apply the manifests from above:
This should initalize a new database.
Next, scale the database to zero:
Wait until the database has shutdown, before moving to the next step.
Make sure that the PGUSER and POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS match the owner of the database. See k8s/upgrade-job.yaml for
an example. If you do not do this correctly, the job will fail.
Example expected output:
Next, we can validate that the postgres 11 upgrade succeeded. Use this step to run any validation query before moving on and removing the temp volumes and old pg 9.6 data.
Save the following to validation-database.yaml:
Apply it to the cluster:
This will start a sepearte statefulset with a PostgreSQL container running PG 11 on the temp data directory.
Use kubectl logs to validate the database started succesfully and did not initialize a new database.
Run any validation queries you see fit, but note that any modifications made in this database will end-up becoming live after the next step.
Once done, tear down the validation database:
Wait until the database has shutdown before moving on to the next step.
Alternatively, simply start-up the postgres 11 database on a new volume and continue to use that instead. Remove the old PVC once you go live. You will be done after the previous step (validation-database).
The pg_hba.conf configuration file is not properly transfered when performing an upgrade job. You will most likely need to validate and/or reconfigure this.
When running with the official postgres images, you may need to execute the following command to allow connectivity to the database by regular users:
When modifying the pg_hba.conf, you need to restart the postgres database for it to have effect.
If after you started the database, no applications can connect, verify you have configured the pg_gba correctly. Use kubectl port-forward to manually connect to the database if needed.
You can validate disk usage in the pod by using kubectl exec pod/<db> -- df -h
Failures that occured during the migration job are most often due to incorrect POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS configuration.
If the migration job failed to start right away, dubble check if you have the correct subPath for your volumes.